Beginning with a two day Pitch-a-thon event, Amplified selected an organization within the Portland community to partner with on a pro-bono project. The goal for the team was to discover a pain point in the organization's daily tasks and use our design and development skills to improve it.

JOIN, the selected organization, supports the efforts of homeless individuals and families to transition out of homelessness into permanent housing. Currently, a large pain point for the JOIN staff is prompt and transparent communication with their participating property managers. Without a clear system of communication, property managers are left feeling unheard and frustrated, while JOIN staff lack a system to track tenant reports. Amplified's mission, while working closely with JOIN, was to create a mobile application where JOIN staff and property managers could have a place to log reports and communicate about active tenants.

My role on this project was to take the lead on the UX and Visual Design. I worked closely with my Creative Director and Design Researcher to develop user flows based on user roles and user testing. Our research team interviewed property managers currently working with JOIN to better understand how this application could help both sides of the communication. Once wireframes were completed, I created high fidelity mockups and style guide for our development team.