Doernbecher Rebrand


A ten-week course project to rebrand Doernbecher Children's hospital.


Brand Collateral + Brand Book.

Given a macro-topic of Health Services, my task for this project was to pick a company to research and rebrand. I chose Doernbecher Children's Hospital, a leading pediatric research hospital in Portland, Oregon. Over the course of ten weeks, I completed hours of research, design briefs and schematics, as well as a new logo and design collateral for the company. The end product was a brand book that guided the user through the new design, style, and voice of the rebrand.

Doernbecher Children's Hospital was unique to rebrand because of its size and needs. With not only a hospital, but also a foundation, it needed a flexible design that could provide a mature aesthetic and also a fun environment for children. This can be seen throughout my brand book in the simple and clean logo application on business cards and letterhead, as well as fun colors / icons in collateral like coloring books and signage.